Web projects include the creation of websites, blogs, portals, landing pages and virtual stores, meeting the needs of our customers' online presence.We operate in all stages of the process, from the definition of content and identity, through design, UI / UX, development and publication, and also the subsequent maintenance, on technical issues of hosting, security and updates. We create web projects according to the best practices of construction, configuration, and observing the optimizations for SEO, with projects adapted for all types of screens. Below some clients attended.
The Language Experience Cultural Exchange has sent students of all ages abroad, providing unique life experiences. We create visual communication and content projects for LE.
Carlos Eugênio, a.k.a Neném, is one of the most respected Triathlon coaches in Brazil. We created the visual identity and communication material of Team CE + 3.
A.Companhia develops communication projects for Argamassa Brasil, both for specific products and for entire lines, institutional and promotional material.
Based on the concept "Live with SPIRIT," A.Companhia developed a series of applications for repositioning the company's brand, integrating various media.
By creating a humanistic brand, the Pela Vidda Group transmit to society the values for which the institution was conceived with the help of A.Companhia.
The Praça Onze Project, from UFRJ, is one of the outposts of anti-AIDS vaccine research. The international character determined the project developed by A.Companhia.
Ezequiel Morales and Soledad Omar are two renowned argentine triathletes, based in Niterói, RJ. All the athletes' communication was made by A.Companhia.
FirstSecurity brought to Brazil several innovations, including products and software solutions. The company had its visual identity developed by A.Companhia.