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CDL Niterói

A.Companhia develops communication projects for CDL Niterói, integrating medias, both online and offline. This innovative strategy, unusual in Niteroi, has generated many positive results since its implementation, along with the current direction board of the entity.

The CDL’s website was completely redesigned by A.Companhia (www.cdlniteroi.com.br), and started a process that is ongoing, integrated with the monthly magazine “O Lojista”, whose graphic design is also managed by A.Companhia, and the TV show “CDL Entrevista”, which appears weekly by the TV+ channel.  This integration aims to generate synergy in corporate communication, increasing the scope and relevance of CDL Niterói, leveraging the full potential of each medium. The generation and administration of all the material is made by our content division LAB 55.

We are currently working on planning for the creation of applications for the 33rd State Convention of Shopkeepers, performed by CDL, that wil happen in august/2012, and will require the creation of print media, signage, videos and online applications, among other pieces.